Viciously Mediocre

Everything I have been doing lately, of a physical nature, could be rated exactlly as that, viciously mediocre!

I can’t really remember the last post I did for you all.  It has to be at least a month ago.  Since then my wife has come home on a 2 week pass from her deployment.  It was great to see and spend time with her.  But boy did it throw me off track with any kind of training.  Pizza, ice cream and pancakes killed my diet as well.

In those two weeks I gained EVERY single pound I had lost in the first 8 months of her deployment.  Just goes to show how easily one can lose the handle on healthy living.  Not that I blame her for everything.  I made the choice to eat that crap but when I’m the only one that cooks and I have to cook for her and myself and her sister(when she visited)….who wants to cook 6-8-10 different meals in a day?  Ugh!  I have my work cut out for me when she comes back for good in a few months.

Of course I didn’t go back to my healthy ways right away either once she went back.  Again, all personal decisions made by me.

I am happy to say I have worked my ass off the past few weeks.  I have been running regularly and doing some other great workouts that were created by some of you.  So thank you all for that.  I added my own little tweeks but the core of it all was what some of you have shared.

The workouts have been great, the runs have been great but I know I could do better.  Only because I have done better in the past.  I just haven’t been feeling the “greatness” I have felt before.  I have actually felt mediocre.

I made a concious decision to start training for a duathalon again.  Last year I started to train then broke my ankle.  I’m hoping for better results this year.  I’m not sure when or where this duathalon will happen but I will train for one.  I started riding my bike again today!  It felt really good to be back on the road with the wind flying through my helmet and over my bald head.

I do have two positives that have happened recently.  First, I did my body measurements.  I lost over 1 1/2 inches from my waiste.  It doesn’t seem like much but after the jump from the happy healthy wagon I encountered, I’m super thrilled with that.

The second is that we will be moving soon.  I’d rather not say to where right now.  Only because when things seem they are about to happen well in military living, they take a huge 180 degree turn and you end up screwed.  So I don’t want to jinx it, only because this could have a huge change in career potential for me.

Oh I so need to do something mentally satisfying and challenging soon.  Although I have been moved to two different positions since being the produce man, it just doesn’t do it for me.  I have already learned everything there is to know about this job and I have only been in it for a week and a half.  I did have to receive a security clearance (low low low level) to become a receiver for the store, which is a big positive for potential moves up.  Don’t get me wrong, the job is fun and I am still very thankful to be employed.  Some of the cool stuff I can now do is: mess with inventory numbers(not that I do that!) and mark stuff down.  Hey, it’s something.  Plus I now work from 5am or 6 am till 11 or noon.  Which gives me a ton of time to go workout!

Well that is all for now y’all.

Smell ya later!

Some People Are Thrill Junkies, I’m An Exercise Endorphin Junkie

Well another fun-filled week of trying to get a little more fit has passed.  The Insanity workouts are really something!  I’m tired during and after, along with soaked by sweat.

I have never really been a cardio type person.  I was always the workout with weights guy.  I’m not really sure what made me understand that cardio will help make me a whole physically fit person but I do realize that now. I also see that body weight exercises are just as good if not better.

Again, all of a sudden things just clicked in my head.  Maybe it’s because I’m seeing results by not working out with just weights.  Or maybe it’s because I’m so close to 40 that I realize I’ll never be “Arnold-like” in physical stature.  I will no longer participate in those kill the man with the ball type sports (except maybe some lacrosse) that I would need to be that big.  Certain things might be a little more enjoyable if I was lighter such as running or cycling.  I certainly would be faster at those activities.  I can’t be much slower, that’s for sure.

Quick change in topic: Most of you know I like to give bloggyblog love to those I enjoy reading on here.  This person got me all excited about riding my bikes this year.  It was a simple (lack of a better term, cause it wasn’t simple it was awesome) post about cycling clothes.  Mountain bike clothes to be exact!  EXCITEMENT!  Yes, excitement…..some guys like to shop for athletic wear.

So before I drag this out any further I want you all to click HERE and check out a great fitness blog called JOY FITNESS AND STYLE.  Stop reading this and go click!!!!  Do it!  I’ll wait right here till you come back.

OK, you’re back now.  You liked that blog didn’t you?  I knew you would.  Joy is a pretty cool fitness gal.  I would have said fitness chick but Joy could pretty easily beat me up if she wanted, especially if the word “chick” offended her.  So I’ll stick with gal. 🙂

OK, enough about her.  It’s back to me me me time.

Hey, guess what….

I finished a full week of Insanity!  Yup, that’s right.  I’m pretty awesome.  I do have to give some props to my fitness guru though.  Here is his latest guidance:

I thank you

Thanks cat!  I knew you wouldn’t let me settle for being mediocre.  Always pushing me to do better.

That’s it for me, I’m out!

Greatest Trainer Ever

I have been loving my Insanity workouts.  I now know I should have done these before trying out P90X.  I am sore as heck but I feel so alive after I’m done every day.  Today I decided to workout before going to work.   I knew it was going to be a long hard day of unloading trucks and I wouldn’t have the desire to do anything when I get home.

Today’s Insanity was pretty much insane.  If you are not familiar with the program, Shaun T has you do 3 rounds of a circuit with each round being faster/more intense but the same amount of time as the round prior.  And there are several circuits.  At the very end he threw in an additional 3 minutes of crazyness (I spell it with a “Y” because there is nothing like it) after the final 3rd round of our last circuit.

I pushed through and I made it.  I survived!  I pushed so hard I needed to close my eyes and concentrate on the moves and not what wanted to happen.  I called my trainer, cause he didn’t show – something about never waking up before 10.  This was our conversation:

gonna puke

I feel like his star pupil.  He certainly makes me fell like I accomplished something today.  Tomorrow is a recovery workout so I shouldn’t have to push so hard.

Insanity Update

I’m really diggin Insanity.  It’s kicking my ass but I feel so charged and accomplished afterwards.  I actually worked out twice today.  I lifted for back and shoulders in the morning, then after work I pushed out some Insanity.  I have to give a shout-out to my trainer for being such great support in my workouts.

insanity update

I have to give it up to this guy.  He is always demanding more of me.  I know by the end of the 60 day period of Insanity I will be pushed to new physical heights.  And I will have no one to thank but my Grumpy Cat trainer.

I Have a Personal Trainer Now

I was feeling so tired and sore I skipped working out today.  I actually came home and fell asleep a few minutes after I sat down on the couch.

I knew something had to be done about my laziness.  I know sometimes it’s good to just rest but I napped for 3 hours!

I needed that special motivation.  So I called my buddy back up to see if he could help out.  As usual he was spot on with his words of wisdom and motivation.  He is a bit pricy but I couldn’t pass up the chance to work with him.

Here’s how the conversation went:

mikes new trainer

I can’t wait to workout tomorrow!  I have a really good feeling about him…..

You Can’t Argue With Grumpy Cat

I was getting really motivated by a lot of you Bloggybloggers out there jumping back on that fitness horse.  I figured I haven’t challenged myself with anything lately so I started brainstorming what to do.  And boom!  An idea hits me.  Let’s do Insanity workouts.  I needed some additional motivation so I gave my buddy Grumpy Cat a call (since I don’t have any of your phone numbers).  Here is what he said:

Mike and Grumpy Cat

Amazing how he can motivate you.  I wanted to do another workout session right after we talked.

I have his number if any of you need a little Grumpy Cat motivation.

My Phone Is Smarter Than Your Phone

Well, let me just clarify: my phone is super intelligent.  It’s not because I have a super cool brand or the latest of the latest or some super secret prototype made by the Chinese government.  It’s because I feed it knowledge to assist me in my everyday needs.  And in turn my very well-educated phone became super intelligent, like me!  I can’t help it my phone is smarter than yours.  I really can’t, I’m sorry.  Maybe if you were a better owner and took it for walks or showed it some attention now and then it would learn something.

My phone loves me so much.  Just today it taught me some very insightful things about the food I eat.  Not just when I get it home but before I even buy it at the store.  Let me tell you a story:

So here I am slaving away at work, all of a sudden the big voice in the building calls for all cashiers to come to the front to assist with the huge line snaking around the store.  Of course I head up to help (as a good employee would).  I get “stuck” up front helping for over an hour.  Now I’m a fast cashier but these people kept coming and coming.  I swore they were just showing up because they all heard I was ringing today.

Anyway, I had this one customer that brought his daughter with him to shop.  She was being such a great help to him as his fat ass watched her unload the grocery cart.  It took forever!!!!!  She took at least a minute to place each item on the belt.  As she placed each item on the belt she would say a letter.  I was a bit confused but I was also preoccupied because I just wanted to not stand there in my most uncomfortable steel toed boots.  There goes another box and she says “B-“.  I was trying to think of a way to ask the dad what she was doing and not sound like I was peeved at her taking so long.

Finally after the millionth item I was done with them.  The girl came over to stand next to dad.  I looked down at her and asked “what was with all the alphabet stuff?”  She held up a smart phone and proceeded to tell me about this app she was using…..

Ohhhhh, an app!

“OK, now we are talkin.  What app were you using” I asked.

She mumbled something then just showed me her phone.



The app she was using is called Fooducate.  Now, just so you know I don’t get anything from anyone if I tout this awesome app. This is just me giving an opinion.  I don’t want to go on and on about what all this app can do.  You can see for yourself at their site HERE.

I spent most of the night after work grading my pantry by scanning all the stuff in there.  Then I attacked the refrigerator.  I had some interesting finds.  Some things were the total opposite that I thought.  But over all I believe my fridge and pantry averaged a “B+” to an “A-“.  I had a few items that dragged my grade down but who doesn’t?

So my bolgyblog friends, if you want to educate your phone as well as yourself, I suggest you check this cool app out and possibly add it to your healthy living toolbox.

Oh, almost forgot… part about this app…..IT’S FREE!!!!

Happy scanning my friends.

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Oh What A Relief It Is!

Ha!  I gotcha to click on my post didn’t I?

No I’m not sick.  And no I didn’t have to take any Alka-Seltzer.  Although I have been really tired and cranky lately.  Yesterday I was sick of being tired.  So I did what was best for the blues……a work out!

Not only did I do a great chest and back workout by doing hundreds of push ups and pull ups I did Couch Doug’s killer warmup.

So today I woke up a bit sore and tired still.  So what is the best remedy for that other than an Alka-Seltzer?  If you said: A nice run!  “X” gets a square!

And for this run I had to make a new playlist for the pod-thingy-majigger.  So plop plop fizz fizz goes my new songs into my pod thingy.

My ankle has been bothering me lately so I only wanted to run for 30 or so minutes.  Here is my new inspiration during my run:


Come Sail Away by Styx- I like the slow but up tempo beat to the song to wake me up and get the blood flowing.  That and it makes me feel like I am entering a different time and space or dream land so I can run run run….

My warmup consists of some easy stretching and a lot of deep breaths.  Come Sail away with me?

The Run

Wild Thing by Tone-Loc – Let’s Do It!  I love me some old school beats.  I find this to be a great song/rap to get the legs moving at the beginning of a run, especially for someone who has not run in a while.  Plus with the change in weather around here, static is on everything which reminds me of this one line – she was like static cling but that’s what happens when bodies start slappin from doing the wild thing!  And in my case, its my shorts huggin me like static cling from my thighs a-rubbin.  🙂

Bleed It Out by Linkin Park – Diggin deeper to just throw it away!  Perfect song for me to get the gams moving.  Pick up the pace fatty!

Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd-  If you don’t like Floyd….just go away.. Naw, just kidding.  But this is a great song to remind you of what you should be doing while you’re out on the road.  I feel like Roger Waters is yelling at me in this song, which make me run a little faster.  That and have you ever seen the movie Clock Work Orange?  Those English are C.R.A.Z.Y!

Firestarter by Prodigy- There is something about this song that makes me feel like breaking out into some Parkour.  Now that’s some motivation!  I’m the firestarter!  Well, my thighs might start one……oh the dreaded chaffing!

Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve-  I like violins….. And isn’t this song really about running?  What else could be so bitter-sweet?

Praise You by Fat Boy Slim- Who doesn’t need a little pat on the back while your running?  That and we really have gone a long way together…. He has to praise me!

Any Way You Want It by Journey- Old school!!!!  All night, Every night!  That’s the way I need it!

The Cooldown

Space Oddity by David Bowie- One of my all-time favorite songs, ever!  This is a great cooldown song for me….I love how I can do a little yoga stretching and end in the corpse position just listening to this song and getting lost in space…. And it reminds me to take my protein pills too.  🙂

Well that’s that for today.  Now stop reading this and go run will ya!?!

The Pursuit For Legs Of Steel

Oh my goodness!  It’s been 7-8 weeks now since I last ran.  And that was because I broke my ankle , not because I’m lazy.  Well, I am but that is not the reason for not running.

Yesterday I had one of my well deserved days off from work, the world, getting up and rushing around.  I did get up super early though.  It was only because I wanted to get a good jump on the day.  I had plans….big plans.  I wanted to run today!  But first I had to take my wife’s car to get the emissions done so I could get the registration renewed.  I was off to a good start.  I medicated and watered the dogs successfully and had a great breakfast.  I even remembered to take a shower!

Keys, wallet, and phone in hand and out the door I went.  I jump in the car and take off to the emissions center.  I knew exactly where it was (I told myself).  It was only 4 miles from my house.  30 minutes later I said to myself I have no idea where it’s at.  I felt so lost I had to pull over in a parking lot to look up the address.  That’s when I realized I drove a good 15 miles in the wrong direction and had to laugh at myself.  Idiot!

Car turned around and headed in the right direction I finally found the place.  Awesome sauce!  There was no line.  I pulled right up to the empty bay and the guy waved me in.  He scanned the bar code on my door and checked my VIN on my hood.  He just smiled and asked, “Did you get something in the mail saying you needed to come in?”

“Yup, sure did.  I have my registration renewal due by the end of the month.”

“Well sir.  You’re not due till December to have this vehicle checked.  Are you sure it was THIS vehicle that needed to be done?”

RUFKM!  I took the wrong car!  It was my wife’s car that needed checked not mine!

It was an honest mistake.  I never drive her car.  In fact, I don’t like driving her tank.  So I avoid even touching it.  So I drove away embarrassed and probably laughed at by the tech.  By the time I got home, now knowing where I am and directions, it was just way to hot to do a run till late at night.

What to do?  What to do?  I busted out an old leg routine I used to do back in Colorado when I would ride my bike a lot.  It had a lot of front squats, dead lifts, hack squats, leg curls and extensions.  I even threw in a bunch of KB swings to add some aerobic activity into this workout.

That routine took a lot out of me since I have been babying my left ankle for so long.  But it did hold up with the strain I just put on it.

Thursday morning:

I wasn’t goona be fooled again by this emissions place.  I was gonna look up to see if my wife’s car even needed the test before I got lost again and killed the nice cool morning air.  Ha! Their website has nothing showing that I need to get the emissions checked.  Well, there is 2 hours saved.

Medicated and water the dogs and had another great breakfast.  I checked my emails and perused the almighty interwebtube for the latest news I may have missed while asleep.  Nothing good, so enough time wasted….lets run!

If you follow my tumbler posts you can see that I was fairly excited but cautious about this mornings run.  I ended up only doing 1 mile.  I had no stamina, none!  I think it took me 20 minutes to run that stupid mile.  Best thing though is that my ankle took the pounding.  Until now… I’m writing this I feel it getting all twitchy and achy.  I expect that to happen for a while.  I think I will need to focus on my lower body for some time until I get back to a normal running time.

Well that is the beginning of my pursuit for legs of steel.


The Watermelon Experience

There has been its ups and downs with working in a grocery store.  Hopefully you have read my first instalment of The Commissary Diaries and enjoyed the emotional ride with me.  There are more great experiences to come.  Like this one.

This isn’t truly a Commissary Diaries entry because it’s not about what happens there.  But the adventure did start there.

It was that time again to do some grocery shopping.  But I had to endure a long arduous shift behind the register before I got to partake in the goodies I saw swipe through my lane.

4PM finally hit and there was still a line beyond what I could see.  Oh well, sucks to be them, I’m done.  I did however offer to stay and help get the line down but we are no longer allowed to work non scheduled hours.  Whatever!  I offered and hopefully karma will remember.

I sign out and make  a mad dash to get a hand basket to grab a few items to get me through the next days to come.  First stop is the produce aisle.  Oh so many delicious items waiting for me.  I grab my staple, apples.  I decided to try out the Honey Krisp type this time.  Not much to write home on about those…. 😦  but an apple is an apple.  I grabbed an overflowing bag of my new favorite cherry, the Rainier variety.  WOW WOW WOW!  Two thumbs up and I’ll give it two big toes up as well.

I walk around and pick at the other fresh looking fruits.  I grabbed some veggies as well, carrots – onions – peppers – yams – etc.  I walk off to grab some chicken, whole wheat english muffins and eggs.  I had this strange feeling I forgot something.  So I walked back to the produce section and there it was…….a fresh cut half watermelon.  How did I miss this?  It was only $1 too!  At the commissary a whole one goes for $6.  Who cares if it’s on its last leg.  I’m gonna eat the crap out of it tonight!

I have been working a lot the past few weeks and feel like I have been neglecting my pups.  I decided to spend some extra time with them by playing ball and giving extra tummy rubs.  Two hours later we woke up from a nap and were all hungry.  How do I know they were hungry?  They are always hungry…

I needed to do a little cardio since I skipped any kind of workout today.  Like I said before, I have been really tired from being on my feet a lot at work.  Anyway, I jump on my bike that’s sitting on the trainer in the living room and watched the first half of the Hall of Fame Game on the NFL Network.  It’s not like an outdoor ride but I can sure max out my effort and get hungry doing it.

Shower, dressed, and now searching for some food.  I somehow managed to pull Duh moment and realized I put the chicken I just bought in the freezer when I got home.  So what to do for dinner?  Chicken-sicles?  Fast food?  Ugh!

I decided to pull out all of the fruit I bought and just have a healthy big snack of fruit.  And why not end the day by sharing the greatness of it with my little buddies.  🙂

Who doesn’t like watermelon?  They even ate the rind.

Sit back and share a little something good with your family.  You won’t regret it!