Roast Beast, Beer & Scones

It’s mid day Wednesday and I needed a quick break from my transcribing some stories for this awesome author I’m helping out.  I will have to share her stuff soon.

Anyway, I needed some food and quick.  I was up all night with my dogs during some really bad storms that rolled through the St. Louis area.  My wife really messed them up by making them “Momma’s Boys.”  They freak out at the smallest things.  Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep since I had to have a death grip on both of them all night so they would settle down.  I’ve tried everything for them; Thunder shirt, calming treats, loving embrace and nothing works.

OK so I didn’t want to cook anything or warm up my chicken burgers I made last night.  I wanted out of the house for a bit to clear my head.  So I rounded up the dogs and we headed out the door.  First stop was for some food.  What to eat and not gain 100 lbs?  Arbys!!!!  Yes!  I have a weakness for most foods but a Roast Beast sammich from Arbys always gets me.  I rolled up to the drive thru and at first glance I wanted it all.  But I knew I couldn’t since I need to watch my figure…ya know what I mean?  I ordered the biggest super gimongus roast beast sammich they had and an iced tea.  “Would you like to make that a combo so you can get fries with dat?”  said the voice through the little box outside.  NO I would not, thank you very much, I said.

See, look at that, self-control.  I’m trying to lead by example here folks……. Although my sammich was probably 1000 cals itself, I refused to pile more garbage on top of that.  So I pull away to park and eat in the near by Target parking lot.  A bite for me and a bite for my little buddies.  There was no way I was going to eat this whole sammich myself.  It was 1000 cals!  So I shared the love.  Not like I had a choice.  My one dog that was sitting in the front seat already had his face buried in the bag licking the sammich.  So it didn’t take long for the three of us to destroy that sammich.  On to the second reason I wanted out of the house, clear my head.  What better to do that but by spending some cash!

I’m worrying myself a bit cause I’m sounding like a girl here but spending some money and getting yourself a little something makes some people a little happier and chipper for the rest of the day.

So right beside Target is this store I wandered in one day and was extremely surprised at how awesome it was, World Market.  I thought it was a grocery store before I ever went in but…..not so much when I looked in.  It was like a Michael’s but with cool stuff in it.  What store with beer in it is not cool, right?  Well, last night I was going through some junk mail I got and saw a flyer for the place and saw they had some really neat items on sale.  Why not go check them out in person to see how cool they really are?

Well, they didn’t have everything from the flyer….big disappointment.  I guess they were out.  Oh well, there is still beer to look at!

The best part about their beer selection is that I’ve never seen most of these.  And…And you can buy just one of each and make your own 6-pack.  I know!  So here is what I picked out: Magic Hat’s Hex Ourtoberfest, O’Fallon Brewery Pumpkin Beer(made right across the Mississippi in O’Fallon MO), Buffalo Bill’s Brewery America’s Original Pumpkin Ale, Blue Moon’s Harvest Pumpkin Ale, Angry Orchard Hard Cider Apple Ginger (naturally gluten-free!), and last but not least angry Orchard Hard Cider Crisp Apple (also gluten-free).  Like my Fall-ish Halloweeny October selection?  I can’t wait to try them.

Oh and I can’t forget my prize selection:

Mmmmmmmmm Scones!  Well, scone mix.  But it will eventually be turned into scones.  I can’t wait to sit back and enjoy some with a cup of tea.  And NO, I don’t hold my pinky out when I drink my tea.

OK back to work for me.  I will probably take another break to workout and make some dinner with a new toy I bought yesterday.

Stay tuned!

Fat & Happy

So it’s Saturday and time for me to take the walk of the deep end onto the scale.  If I can just say this, I really hate Saturdays.  Not because it symbolizes the first day of the end of the work week (cause we all love our jobs, right?) but because for at least the next week or so I have to show the boggymabobber world on this magic cord called the inter webz the weight of my fat ass.

So here ya go, have your good laugh….

I’m holding a keg of beer in one hand and a dozen doughnuts in the other. You figure out how I took the picture.

Oh wait!  I didn’t gain weight….

I must be honest here.  I really was dreading this weigh in.  Not because I just blew off the last weigh in and had no idea if I lost or gained but because the past 2 nights I have been playing softball (Yeah, my ankle is still on the mends).  We all know what happens when one plays softball, right?  One drinks an absorbent amount of beer.  You know, to hydrate!  That Gatorade stuff is only hype.  Beer has more natural ingredients than Gatorade.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

So now that I have tested my ankle out and successfully not re-injure it in two nights of running, jumping, diving and swearing…..I’m gonna put some effort into losing some weight in this last week of the Bloggymabobber Weight Loss Championship Challenge.

I may not win this challenge but the fact that my ankle has held up and I was still able to lose some weight, I feel like this little guy….

They said I couldn’t do it. But I tried and tried and tried and finally caught my tail!

Until next time peeps…….Live long and prosper!  \\\//



Oooh! Shiny!

I think I have what is called A.D.O.S., Attention Deficit Oooh Shiny!  I attribute it to my inability of wanting to focus on something for so long.  But I am also definitely one of those people that are easily distracted by shiny objects.  Awards are shiny and they distract me.  Perfect!

Here are three (Yes, 3 of them!)  The Versatile Blogger – The T.M.I Award – The Glitter E Yaynus Award.

Ay Caramba!  I hope I can keep my focus through these.  Hey, what does this button do?

Now to my acceptance speech:

(I enter the stage) Thank you, thank you!  You are so gracious with your wondrous applause.  That makes up for the strip search.  First off, I would like to thank my nominator the wonderful, talented, deep hearted  Chrystalyn @ The Future Of Hope.   She writes my favorite blog.  There isn’t a word you could use that would not describe how awesome her blog is (flawless use of a double negative, if I may say so myself).  She writes from the heart and leaves it all out there for us to see.  I have nothing but admiration for her ability to do such writing.  Everyone needs to click on her site at least once a day, maybe twice.

I’m looking around the room and I see a lot of stars.  There is Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Harrison Ford, Tupac, Snoop Dog, and think I see Kanye West in the audience tonight.  Wait…whaa?  Sit Down Kanye!  Don’t you dare come up here!

I also want to take the time to recognize and thank all my stalkers out there. Also, I want to thank the Amazing Spider-man for being such a powerful force in my life.  And to the People Under the Stairs, who taught me to take life by the balls.  I couldn’t have done this without you.  I would like to thank a lot more people but frankly I do it all for the sex.

Thank you World Wide Web and thank you, Chrystalyn @ The Future Of Hope. 🙂

The Rules of the “Versatile Blogger Award” are as follows:

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers. (Ummm, nope.  Too many)
  2. Inform the bloggers of their nomination. (not my fault if they don’t read my blog to find out)
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself. (sharing – read below)
  4. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thank You)
  5. Add the “Versatile Blogger Award” pic to your blog post. (check)

Seven Random Things About Me:

1) I don’t have a belly button. 2) I’m like the Terminator, I’m gonna keep coming after ya. 3) My very first concert I attended was Aerosmith. 4) I like ketchup. 5) After my dogs fart, my farts smell like theirs. 6) I sleep naked 7) I always misspell the word diarrhea (I had to use spell check for that)

Rules of the TMI Award:

  1. Thank the person who presented you with the award. (Thank You)
  2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you. (Chrystalyn @ The Future Of Hope)
  3. Share an awkward, embarrassing and intimate story in 100 words or less more. (read below, you better not laugh)
  4. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog. (check)
  5. Present the TMI Blog Award to 5 – 10 deserving blogs. (I’ll think about it)
  6. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog. (Again, not my fault if they don’t read mine)

My Awkward, Embarrassing Moment:

Ok, so I know a lot of people will be reading this but I don’t care.  This is the TMI award for heaven’s sake!  I was in a fraternity when I first went to college back in ’94, Alpha Pi Lambda (Apple Pie).  On the night we were accepted into the house as Brothers, there was a huge party.  Big surprise, right?  Well the new Brothers had to do naked beer slides.  And we had to do them in front of the strippers (not sure of politically correct term for women who get naked for money) that were hired for the party.  I wasn’t sure if they were laughing at me or the kid behind me.  They were definitely pointing in my direction.  I was kinda pissed that they chose to point at me while giggling.  It turned out that on my third beer slide I ended up sliding so far I hit my leg on a doorway and split my leg open.  I had no clue that the ladies of the night were pointing at my bloody leg and not my 100% All Beef Thermometer.  Oh to be young again….

The Rules of the Glitter E Yaynus Award:

  1. Name 5 things that I do that would make people want to kill me. (read below)
  2. Name  5 things I would stick up my ass if  I was forced to. (read below)
  3. Run across a freeway blindfolded Naked! (Hells yeah!)
  4. Pick a Prom Court. (I never went to prom)

Why People would want to kill me:

1) I’m awsome! And I don’t share the awesomesauce… 2)I’m not a telemarketer but I play one on TV. 3) I’ so good looking even guys hit on me. 4) I can sneeze with my eyes open. 5) Whenever someone says “I’m not book smart, but I’m street smart”, all I hear is “I’m not real smart, but I’m imaginary smart”.

Things to stick up my ass:

Sorry but nothing goes in through the out door…… with one exception.  I had a colonoscopy before.  So besides long tubes with cameras, I draw the line!

Now on to awarding to my peeps:

Sheena @ Facehookin’

The Ranter @ Brain Rants


Jamie @ The Life Of Jamie

Stephanie @ My Glorified Journal

I think that will be all for now…..

Again a huge thank you to Chrystalyn @ The Future Of Hope.  Now go click on her blog!

Debate Of The Week

Since I have been struggling with finishing the stories I have already started, I figured why not start another one.  I will make Fridays, “The Debate of the Week” day.  I want this to be an interactive type of post so that I can learn more about my readers.  That, and hopefully pull more people into conversations that normally just click and read and not comment (like me). 🙂

The Rules:

1) Simply post a comment as to which is your choice with 1 or 2 reasons why or answer the questions I give you

2) If you are split in your decision still try and choose just 1 option

3) That’s it!  It is that simple!  And the next Friday I will talk about the results before the next Debate.

So here we go!

The Debate (What’s better?)

In the spirit of tomorrow, Saturday 18 Feb being marked National Drink Wine Day, drinking will be the first topic to tackle!  Woo Hoo!  Like our society needs yet another reason to drink, right?  But hey, everything in moderation is OK.  At least in my world or what “They” say is good for me.  The list of benefits for drinking wine seems to grow every year. A glass of wine a day has been shown to improve heart health, reduce forgetfulness, help you lose weight, boost your immunity, and help prevent bone loss.  Sounds like a magical cure for all things bad, right?  But I’m a little skeptical on the “They” say it is good for you.  Who is “They?”  OK, forget about the “They” thing.  I just wanted you to get that brain chugging (pun intended).

I’m an Italian.  So I should like wine.  It’s in my bloodline.  But I just can’t drink the stuff.  It gives me headaches and sometimes leads to the almighty migraine.  I just can’t figure it out.  I felt so left out at family meals during the holidays when everyone would be drinking the homemade deliciousness.  Oh well!  I would drink my glass of water and press on.

Like I stated in my one post These Buds Are For Me, I do like beer but of the dark porter or stout type. The less I can see through the beer the better for me.  I also like some alcohol.  I’m a whiskey guy.  I can remember back in college I would hide a bottle of Jack in that wardrobe thingy closet in my room.  My drink of choice was whiskey sours but then at fraternity parties I would partake in many other types.  I really liked Kamikazes and gin-juice.  I can also remember a few blurry nights of Mad Dog 20/20 with a few keg stands.  So enough about me and what I like.

How about you? 

Your options are Wine – Beer – Spirits/Alcohol

Are you a wine, beer or mixed or straight spirit/alcohol drinker?

If you drink wine is it the hype of the benefits that keep you drinking it?

If you are a beer drinker what brand is “yours” or what kind do you like?  Do you like wine too?

Spirit drinker?  What’s your drink of choice and why do you drink spirits and not wine or beer?

Enjoy your weekend!

These Buds Are For Me!

So it’s been a few days now that my wife has been home from her deployment and her sister came to visit.  We figured to fill the time in by taking a tour of the St. Louis Anheuser-Busch Brewery on Saturday.  This was my second time there (can never have enough free beer!).  There was not much in our plans for the rest of the day so we did two tours actually.  The first tour was of the free variety.  This one consisted of the entire campus; packing plant, Beechwood aging tanks, the brewery itself, the Clydesdale Stables and of course the Hospitality Room (Free Beer!).

Let’s just skip to the drinking!  The rest of the tour was pretty boring.  We didn’t get close enough to anything to snag a beer off the line or anything so nothing to really write home about except the Huge Horses.  I don’t really like horses.  Well, not that I don’t like them, I’m afraid of them.  They’re bigger than me and they are scary, so they’re not on my Christmas list.

On To The Beer!

So, yeah, I busted my new diet by binging this weekend and ate a bunch of crap food and drank a lot of beer.  But hey, I was good for a solid 7 weeks.  Maybe that’s why I drank so much.  I can still taste the beer, kinda.  It’s a mental thing for me.  So on the free tour we got to try 2 beers on tap or some of their specialty drinks in a bottle.  I chose to go with some Stella Artois and Wild Blue.  Both were great.  But then you could have given me some dishwater and called it beer and I would have liked it.  Some of the other tasty beverages that were sampled were Bud Light and Sangria.

Ahhh, sooo good!  We finished our Hospitality Room Rampage just in time to get into our second tour.  This time we were gonna get our learn on about beer.

On To Beer School!

So we stagger up the stairs of the main building to get to our class room.  Probably something they need to reconsider seeing how we took the free drinking tour first, then having to walk up the stairs.  But we made it up fairly safely.  Somehow I drew the short stick and got the chair with my back to the front of the room so I had to wrench my neck around when the “instructor” was talking.  I was more focused on the beer in front of me but I had to play along.  I’m not going to bore you with the details of what and how beer is made.  You can look that up if you’re that interested.  We did get to touch and taste all the things that go into it though.

On To The Drinking!

So in this picture you see that they give us 4 glasses to taste and play with our beer in.  We got to try Bud Light, Stella Artois, Hoegaarden and Bass.  All fairly good beers but I enjoyed Stella and Hoegaarden the most.  Although I am more of a dark porter or stout drinker if I have the choice.  But nonetheless the aftermath left on our table was equal to that of a little kid being a good boy cleaning his dinner plate.

It was interesting that some of the ingredients make the beer behave differently in the glass and foam a certain way.  But in the end, it’s all about the taste for me.  We got to keep the big silver bottle opener as our graduation present and we got a big certificate with our names on it.  I’m so proud, another degree that will not get me a job.

Wow, that was good!  But now we were hungry.  Our one friend we brought with us suggested we go to a local brew pub.  What a GREAT idea, more beer!  So we ventured down the road to Schlafly Tap Room.  It was a hidden little place but not so hidden because it was an hour wait for a table.  But wait!  There is a bar!  Let’s get some beer to hold us over till we get to eat.  Good idea said the group.  So I fought my way through the bar flies just lingering for free drinks and ordered a Coffee Stout for me and a Cider for the Mrs.  The others tried the New Zealand IPA (grapefruity taste).  All were really good.  The food was food.  Not the best place in the world but I can’t complain about the dead cow with fries I had.  The first grease I had in 7 weeks.  It slid down so easily.

All in all a good day I would say.  But it became even better.  I went home, took a nap, woke up, ate pizza and watched a move.  Now, that was a good day!